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Monsoon Racing In Pune 2020

By Venkat | 18-Apr-2020

I have been enthused by our dear IMD forecast for the monsoon. According to them a normal monsoon is forecast.And this news delights me. I am confident that by July end we will see the last of this very sly virus! Thus paving the way fpor a monsoon season at pune by mid August. It will be wonderful to hear the thunder of the hooves.

This post has been trigerred by Major Nargolkar's article as he took a nostalgic walk down memory lane at Pune. I remember Pune during the 6os when I was studying in a boarding school here. The race course was our highlight as we ran one round once every week and slyly attended the races at Pune!!

God is merciful and compassionate. We will see racing.


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1 Reply

Guru Rakesh said ...


Yes correct sir we will soon see our great races