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Horse Racing Vs. Stock Market

By Golden Viper | 21-Mar-2020

In racing one loses money on the race you bet .one can reduce losses by playing each way.thus end of the day you know your profit and losses.

Same is not the case with stock market where there are lakhs of players as against few thousand in racing , this bottom less pit has seen investors lose lakhs ove night, examples are plen ty even in the so called blue chips who have turned yellow i

So racing as  even a past time with minor losses is better  and healthier. 

No knows when racing will start but  some believe not before mid or end may.

I am in day trading so not effected by this loss .that is buy and sell  the same day. so far ahead by this process.

All those against racing will have a rethink now and the best sport to attend.

Few tips for those who have some cash .Buy ITC rate only rs 135 ONGC rate 55 .these are rock bottom rates and may not come but you are safe.

Enjoy this break no chance of IPL in april also.

Good luck.  enough on TV fore warning on COVID



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